
Alternative Health

Jenn Malecha, Black Mold, Cancer And Functional Nutrition

micTim JamestodayApril 29, 2023 1

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    Jenn Malecha, Black Mold, Cancer And Functional Nutrition Tim James

Episode #226 Jenn Malecha, Black Mold, Cancer And Functional Nutrition

Hello Health Heroes!

This week I interviewed Jenn Malecha who in her early twenties got cancer, discovered Functional Nutrition and healed herself.

She then became a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Coach so that she could go help others heal like she did.

Then slowly her health started to go downhill again and by mere chance she discovered black mold in her home which was the root of her health issues.

Armed with the cause she was able to remedy the situation and get her health back once again!

Enjoy the show!

Love & Light

Coach Tim.

p.s. Please like & subscribe to my show for more great inspiration and education so that you can become your own doctor and learn to self heal!

p.p.s. To contact Jenn go to:

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