
A Very Spiritual Message from Dr. Silverback Commando, MD

todayJune 21, 2023

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Black Hoodie Alchemy’s resident dolphin whisperer, Dr. Silverback Commando, MD is here to give you some special insights from his notebook of meditations.

Watch the brief video of this very special Spiritual Message from Dr. Silverback Commando right here!

For those unaware, Silverback Commando is the codename of a 70 year old man that stays constantly dosed on LSD, reads the Hustler Magazine interview with Dr. John Lily every morning, and he’s also a man that “works” with and has “studied” dolphins for the last decade. He speaks with a strange accent that could either be bad Australian or bad cockney, but he’s actually from Portland, Oregon, and speaks this way because he was hit on the head severely while smuggling dolphins out of the Portland zoo some years ago.

These days, after hearing Tippy Patson — Redneck Mystic Extraordinaire — on the Black Hoodie Alchemy podcast, he’s saddled up his dolphins and moved to the special shack in the Florida Everglades to save the world from the shapeshifting Illuminati alligators of the swamps.

For more on Silverback and The League of Extordniary Gentlemen, check out BHA episodes 14, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, and 43!


Written by: Anthony Tyler

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